Sunday, June 30, 2013

Summer Reading

The last few weeks haven't been ALL fun and games...

I put together my thesis proposal and submit it to my advisor (who will be overseeing the process this fall) and ISA-NE. May submit to another fall conference if that doesn't work out. I'm hoping to have the chance to share a chapter of my thesis and get feedback before finishing it! It's starting to sink in that my entire fall will be dedicated to this project (along with preparing for comprehensive oral and written exams), any good tips on how to stay focused and on track with research and writing?  Please, share!

Thank goodness, I have also found time for leisure reading.

I finally finished A Dance with Dragons (A Song of Ice and Fire #5) and have moved on to We, the Drowned. Who "wastes" valuable luggage pounds on reading material? This girl. 

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Minimal excitement, maximum relaxation

It's been a pretty low-key week here in Jordan. Most of us barely noticed Secretary of State John Kerry's stop by Amman, but have been following Nelson Mandela's decline with heavy hearts, placing bets on who will grant Snowden asylum, etc...

No big trips were planned, so yesterday (Friday) we went down to a souk on Rainbow Street that is only held on Thursdays and Fridays with two students from the university. There were dozens of stands lining a small alleyway and even more people clamoring to get through. Afterwards we went to Triangle Cafe for cold drinks and argeeleh/shisa. From there we moved on to Buffalo Wings and Rings (a Buffalo Wild Wings knock off) for hot wings and cold beers (hard to come by in Amman). It was a relaxing day just hanging out in the city. Still not sure what's on the agenda for today... Mall? Movies? Back to school/work tomorrow (Sunday). 

Looking forward to visiting the Dead Sea next Saturday!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Umm Qais/Castle Ajloun/Jerash

On Friday we took a trip up north to Umm Qais, Castle Ajloun, and Jerash. Here is a map of Jordan for reference:

Golan Heights, looking out over Syria from Umm Qais

 Umm Qais

Paparazzi caught me trying to cool off in the shade

 The group at Umm Qais

Looking over towards Palestine and Kineret Lake (Sea of Galilee)


 Castle Ajloun


 Entrance to Jerash


Having a dance party in the amphitheater at Jerash!

When we walked into the amphitheater, a group of musicians (man to my left included) started playing Amazing Grace and then Yankee Doodle on the bagpipes/drum. It ended up morphing into a full on dance party with more arabic tunes and our new friends teaching us how to dance like Jordanians! What a blast!

Monday, June 17, 2013


On Saturday I checked "visit Petra" off my bucket list! Here are some pictures from our long day at Petra and evening in Wadi Rum:

 Walking to the Siq

 The Siq, the entry way to the city

 Almost there!

 The Treasury

 Camels (Yes, I rode a camel)


 Death march to the Monastery

 A nice view

 Bedouin boy reppin' NYU at Petra!

 Wadi Rum
 Watching the sun set from a ridge in the desert

 Desert transportation

The group! We're all exhausted but what a great day!

Around Amman

Professor Riggs is in town to make sure we are all settling in to life in Jordan. Friday's adventure started with lunch at Hashem in the city center. Falafel, hummus, labaneh, pita... mmmm. We then walked to the old Roman amphitheater and the Citadel. Here are some pictures:

 Outside the Roman amphitheater



 The climb up

 View from the stands

 View from the top

 View of amphitheater from next hill over, climbing to the Citadel

 Ruins at the Citadel

 View of Amman from the Citadel

Our day ended with dinner at Jafra Restaurant with spiced lamb and chicken, stuffed grape leaves, more mezze, and hookah.