Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Royal Palace

On Thursday, our professor, Dr. Saad, took us on a trip to the royal palace. We toured King Abdullah's palace (built in 1926- the first of many) and the tombs of the kings. Here are some highlights (see captions below for details):
 King Abdullah's palace

 Staircase with chandelier and stained glass outside throne room

 View from second floor balcony, overlooking Amman

 Same balcony, looking out over Amman in different direction

 Throne room

 The group! UB students + PSUT faculty/staff

 Guards outside the palace

 King Abdullah's tomb

 King Talal's tomb

King Hussein's tomb

Had a VERY exciting Friday/Saturday: An afternoon at the Roman amphitheater and the citadel in Amman on Friday and a day trip to Petra and Wadi Rum on Saturday. I will try to upload those pics in the next few days!

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