Sunday, June 30, 2013

Summer Reading

The last few weeks haven't been ALL fun and games...

I put together my thesis proposal and submit it to my advisor (who will be overseeing the process this fall) and ISA-NE. May submit to another fall conference if that doesn't work out. I'm hoping to have the chance to share a chapter of my thesis and get feedback before finishing it! It's starting to sink in that my entire fall will be dedicated to this project (along with preparing for comprehensive oral and written exams), any good tips on how to stay focused and on track with research and writing?  Please, share!

Thank goodness, I have also found time for leisure reading.

I finally finished A Dance with Dragons (A Song of Ice and Fire #5) and have moved on to We, the Drowned. Who "wastes" valuable luggage pounds on reading material? This girl. 

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